Ultimate winner rejected in the last minute: Red Flames are stuck at 0-0 in the European Championship jump-off match against Greece

Ultimate winner rejected in the last minute: Red Flames are stuck at 0-0 in the European Championship jump-off match against Greece

A frustrating evening for the Red Flames. In the first leg of the European Championship jump-off match against Greece, the dominant Belgians were unable to get a clean sheet. In the last minute the ultimate “winning goal” of our compatriots was even disallowed. A second chance will follow next Tuesday.

An ultimate Deus ex Machina in Greece?

After a difficult game of football for our Red Flames, substitute Jassina Blom took a shot at the role of heroine at the very end of the performance.

Janice Cayman put in an excellent cross in minute 94, but due to a rare mistake by the Greek goalkeeper, the ball suddenly landed at Blom’s feet. She calmly scored the redeeming 0-1 against the ropes, a Belgian party seemed to be in the making.

Until Spanish referee Acevedo claimed the leading role.

She had previously seen a push from Justine Vanhaevermaet in the back of her opponent, but the goal was canceled. Euphoria gone, the Greeks breathed a sigh of relief.

A correct decision? It was doubtful anyway, but judge for yourself below.

The rejected 0-1:

Greek tragedy

It summed up our women’s match perfectly. An evening not quite there.

After a sputtering first half, the Belgian engine was running hot in the second episode. With 23 shots – 10 of which were on target – the Red Flames clearly had the upper hand, but things kept going wrong in the zone of truth.

Wullaert, Cayman and Eurlings: each had their chance for the opening goal, but no one could break the spell. This is mainly due to one woman at the opponent.

Greece can kiss both “pollekes” of goalkeeper Giannakouli. With 10 saves she single-handedly kept her country straight, she will appear in many Belgian nightmares tonight.

So – with the disallowed goal as the highlight – it became an exciting evening for our Flames. All the tricks of the trade appeared for the home team to steal minutes, and the pace disappeared from the match (far) too often.

The unfortunate spectacle score remained on the scoreboard in Crete, the job will have to be done during the second leg (Tuesday) in Leuven.

Because let one thing be clear: being eliminated in the jump-offs by these Greeks on the way to the European Championship would be a real shame.

Disappointment trumps: the Flames always should have won.

Reactions after the first leg:

Course towards EURO 2025 in Switzerland

As a team from the A division, the Flames will meet one of the five group winners or three best-ranked runners-up from the C division in the first round of the play-offs (between October 23 and 29). That became Greece (C).

If they win, they will enter the second PO round (between November 27 and December 3), with the winners of the first PO round from the B division. If they also overcome that hurdle, the Flames can go to the European Championship.

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End: 0-0

Euphoria among the Greeks, disappointment among the Belgians. After an exciting second half for the Flames, redemption seemed to come at the end with an ultimate goal from Blom, but the match management had seen an earlier (slight) pushing error by Vanhaevermaet. This is how the glasses score stays on the scoreboard in Crete.

So it will have to happen during the return match in Leuven next Tuesday. Hopefully the DJ will be able to blast “Where’s the party” through the speakers.

Uproar in the absolute final: Blom’s Belgian goal is disallowed

Blom’s redeeming goal disallowed!

After a carom, substitute Blom finally places the ball in a controlled manner from close range in the corner, but the cheering soon turns into disbelief: the Spanish referee has previously seen a pushing error by Vanhaevermaet in the box, the goal is canceled.

A very strict decision, if you ask us.

Ball pumping, pumping and more pumping! Football is getting very nervous, the Flames are now going all-in for the win.

Giannakouli again strongly anticipates a cross from Wullaert, the Greek goalie will appear in many Belgian nightmares.

6 minutes extra time

Missipo opens the extra time with a nice curl towards the top corner, the leather just zooms over. You hardly think this is possible anymore.

Blom also cannot get the ball in. Her shot is too central, Giannakouli simply clamps.

There was that apple! Tessa Wullaert is suddenly given the ball in the Greek sixteen, but the angle is too sharp to get the ball past Giannakouli. The goalkeeper was excellently assisted by her fellow defender …

… who then lies down again for cramps.

Go ahead with the goat, shouts Serneels! Kees and De Neve play around at the back, but the solution lies in the point. Will another apple fall from the tree?

There’s that damned Giannakouli again! Wullaert drops a free kick from far into the opposing sixteen, Kees nods the ball well towards the corner.

However, the Greek goalkeeper has her plan in mind, so the zero remains on the scoreboard.

Stretching, stretching, stretching, …

The “tricks of the foor” are being dug up to gain seconds, Giannaka is the next Greek player to lie down with cramps.

The pace slowly disappears from the match, there is no question of a Belgian final offensive yet.

The Greek faith is growing by the minute, and substitute Blom’s dismissal helps a lot. To draw here would be a small stunt for them.

And it will only fuel the dream of the European Championship.

The Greeks defend themselves with life and limb!

Imke Courtois

Janssen – who plays an impeccable match – suddenly has a moment of weakness and plays too short on De Neve, fortunately she is able to hit the ball outside in time.

They are also still awake on the other side: Mitkou times her tackle perfectly and thus hinders another Belgian shot.

Greeks with cramps

The home team is finding it increasingly difficult to keep track of everything. Paterna has to fight through the cramps, her teammates also take a breather.

The spaces are becoming bigger and bigger, the better physical preparedness of the Flames can now make the difference.

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Vanhaevermaet joins in eagerly, but his sights are not yet focused. Disappointed, she sees her attempt go way wide.

Corner number 7 also produces no chance. Agreed, the Belgian team lacks shape, although that excuse is a bit too easy. It will have to happen through open play.



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