The benefits and tips for playing tennis and avoiding injuries

The benefits and tips for playing tennis and avoiding injuries

Playing tennis is much more than a recreational activity; It is a complete discipline that offers multiple benefits for health and general well-being. According to a study by the United States Tennis Association (USTA), this sporting practice that improves physical condition, surpasses traditional aerobic exercises in effectiveness in burning caloriesespecially when played competitively.

Tennis combines physical exercise, social interaction and mental concentration, becoming a valuable tool to improve emotional

This sport not only strengthens the body, but also cultivates a work ethic and the ability to meet challenges when facing the inevitable ups and downs of each match.

Ángel Simeoni, tennis teacher and physical trainer, states that this activity also provides mental benefits: “It promotes self-confidence, motivation, respect, discipline, responsibility and management of emotions. These aspects are essential, since they allow us to face various situations, both on and off the field.”

Also, highlights that tennis strengthens muscle groupsimproving coordination and flexibility. In turn, the increase in aerobic capacity allows you to increase physical resistance, burn calories and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Tennis is a sport that requires high levels of agility and enduranceboth physically and mentally. In this sense, Simeoni comments that the movements are fast and varied, which requires a high level of agility. “Nowadays, the game is more explosive and faster, which has led players to train this skill more. “Those who don’t do it run the risk of suffering injuries due to the constant changes of pace,” he says.

At the same time, he adds that Mental agility is also crucial, as players must react quickly to the opponent’s movements. Regarding stamina, a match can be very exhausting because its duration is uncertain and depends on the opponent’s playing style. “Endurance is essential, since the points vary in intensity and require good aerobic capacity and quick recovery for the next point,” he remarks.

Las recovery and stretching techniques They are essential in the preparation of tennis players, since they prevent injuries and improve flexibility. “They are as important as food. They include practices such as stretching, rest, relaxation, massage, cryotherapy and thermotherapy. It is a mistake to think that recovery begins only after playing; In fact, it starts before the game,” adds the coach.

“Stretching and warming up are essential to prevent injuries,” says Simeoni. Juan Martín del Potro performs warm-up exercises before a matchAníbal Greco

Injury prevention is a fundamental aspect in tenniswhere a combination of proper technique and physical preparation, according to Simeoni, can make the difference between a successful game and a career interrupted. “Having a trainer to correct blows is essential, since many injuries come from poorly executed repetitive movements, especially in the wrists, shoulders and elbows,” he emphasizes. Add that Players must be aware of the importance of work on your resistance and bodybuildingincluding all muscle groups, as well as performing stretching and mobility exercises. “It is vital to do a good warm-up before playing and regenerative stretching at the end of practice,” he points out.

Strong mentality

Tennis, as a sport of precision and strategy, can be a key tool in the formation of a strong and resilient mentality in young athletes. Through discipline, pressure management and the ability to overcome failure, players develop mental skills that transcend the court, preparing them for challenges in different areas of their lives.

“On the court, the player depends only on himself to face the opponent, which makes him mentally strong. In addition, it promotes values ​​such as respect for the opponent, perseverance until the last point, self-confidence and self-motivation, qualities that are also reflected off the field,” explains Simeoni.

For its part, Jorge Belardicardiologist and president of the Cardiovascular Institute of Buenos Aires (ICBA) highlights that, although anaerobic exercise, such as weight lifting, is not the most suitable for improving cardiovascular capacity, its importance in muscle strengthening has been increasingly recognized. “These exercises are essential for muscle development, although their main objective is not to increase cardiovascular resistance,” he says.

A balanced diet, rich in nutrients and accompanied by constant hydration, is essential to optimize performance and prevent injuries, says Ángel Simeoni.

For its part, Jorge Belardi, cardiologist and president of the Buenos Aires Cardiovascular Institute (ICBA) highlighted that, although anaerobic exercise, such as weight lifting, is not the most suitable for improving cardiovascular capacityits importance in muscle strengthening has been increasingly recognized. “These exercises are essential for muscle development, although their main objective is not to increase cardiovascular resistance,” he added.

According to research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Racquet sports, such as tennis or paddle tennis, can reduce the risk of death by up to 56%. heart diseasesdue to the combination of intense physical exercise and the social component that promotes greater adherence to physical activity.

Constant hydration is crucial to maintain physical and mental performance during matches. Adequate fluid intake prevents fatigue and helps players recover quickly between pointsIvess

“A suitable hydration y nutrition They are essential for tennis players, both in training and in competitions. With the support of professionals, players optimize their nutrition and hydration, which helps them prevent injuries, maintain physical resistance and improve their mental and physical performance on the court. This correct nutrition allows them to face intense matches and recover effectively for the following challenges,” highlights Simeoni.

Tennis combines physical exercisesocial interaction and mental concentrationbecoming a valuable tool to improve emotional health. “When practiced as a recreational activity, it not only promotes the generation of bonds and social interaction, but has also been documented as one of the factors that contribute to the prolongation of life. Connecting with others through sport plays a fundamental role in general well-being and promoting a longer and healthier life,” Belardi explained.

Cardiologist Jorge Belardi pointed out that swimming stands out as one of the best aerobic exercises due to its low impact on the joints.

With its combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, it has a distinctive cardiovascular impact that can be compared to other physical activities such as running or swimming. Belardi says tennis has the added advantage of social interaction and the ability to regulate the intensity of exercise. However, it also mentions that Swimming stands out as one of the best aerobic exercises due to its low impact on the joints.

A recent article by National Geographic noted that tennis offers additional benefits in terms of longevity, bone and cardiovascular health. Regular exercise, such as tennis, strengthens bones and improves heart health. In addition, continuous tennis practice has been observed to contribute to increased bone density and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. This study reinforces the idea that tennis not only promotes general well-being, but also has a positive impact on longevity and bone health.thus complementing the claims about the benefits of physical and social exercise that have already been discussed.

*Dr. Jorge Belardi, cardiologist and medical director of the Cardiovascular Institute of Buenos Aires (ICBA) – MN N° 39,822.

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