The first edition of Badpool in Saint-Renan

The first edition of Badpool in Saint-Renan
Badpool Tour

224 matches were played by 143 Breton bad players, including some from outside the region, from the national level to the unclassified. “We are a young club, entering its fourth year of existence and we wanted to offer this event, because there is a lack of tournaments in the sector. Everyone got involved and the players responded. What more could you ask for for a first! », Rejoices the president, Mickaël Lemarchand, who is therefore planning a second edition. For Thomas Conry and Titouan Laschkar (Plonéour-Lanvern), doubles winner of series 2, the tournament was of good quality: “The room is nice and the matches came together quite quickly. We finish relatively early compared to other tournaments, which is pretty cool. And the icing on the cake, we won, but it wasn’t that easy! “. In parallel with the Badpool Tour, training for referees took place, which was based on the tournament at the end of the session, for practice.

Series 1: Baptiste Cory (Seine-Essonne)
beats Romain Jamet (Trégunc).

Series 2: Gauthier Le Moign (Penchots de la rade) beats Thomas Feunteun (Loustic’bad Glazik).

Series 3: Titouan Veillot (Kemperle)
beats Yan-Aël Yvonnou (Villeneuve d’Ascq).

Series 4: Van-Han Luong (Maure de Bretagne) beat Geoffrey Lirzin (Guingamp).

Series 5: Mathieu Le Bayon (Rennes EC)
beats Baptiste Menetrier (Penguins of the harbor).

Series 6: Evan Laurent (Quimper)
beat Alan Jaume (Concarneau).

Series 7: Paul Dru (Saint-Renan)
beat Hugo Delcourt (Monfort-sur-Meu).



Series 1: Baptiste

Conry (Seine-Essonne) and Lionel Le Mao (Lanester) beat Denis Cariou (Relecq-Kerhuon) and Alban Le Cam (Concarneau).

Series 2: Thomas Conry and Titouan Laschkar (Plonéour-Lanvern) beat Nicolas Jarry and Romain Le Coroller (Relecq-Kerhuon).

Series 3: Van-Han Luong (Maure de Bretagne) and Julien Struillou (Penchots de la rade) beat Thomas Bertau and Gauthier Donnard (Penchots de la rade).


Series 1: Le Clainche (Kemperle)
bat Sakithya Suresh (Manchots de la row).

Series 1: Marie Dantec and Laura Kérouel (Relecq-Kerhuon) beat Gaëlle Celton-Guilbaud and Maëlle Pouliquen (Trégunc).

Series 2: Marie Bernardo (Iroise Saint-Renan) and Estelle Chevry (Pays de Morlaix) beat

Eva Le Bras and Anaïs Pierrot (Penguins of the harbor).

Series 2: Kristen All (Relecq-Kerhuon)
beats Carole Andrieux (Relecq-Kerhuon).


Series 1: Jean-Joël Le Bihan and Marie Dantec (Relecq-Kerhuon) beat Michaël Tanghe and Pauline Baudouard (Relecq-Kerhuon).

Series 2: Dany Dodier and Florine Planson (Pays de Morlaix) beat Matthieu Le Coguic and Eva Le Bras (Penguins de la rade).

Series 3: Adam Goux-Gateau (Rennes EC) and Marie Bernardo (Saint-Renan) beat Yves Rivoalen and Anitha Autret (Relecq-Kerhuon).



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