BarcelonaThe Department of Education and Vocational Training has announced this Monday at the sectoral table a new call for competitions with 495 secondary school teacher positions. The specialties with the most places will be mathematics, Catalan language, English, educational guidance and those related to IT.
The selection process will begin in the third quarter of this year with the Catalan and Spanish language tests for applicants who do not have C1. On the same day as the language tests, all applicants must submit their teaching program proposal and learning situation by email, and then, later on, they will have to take the practical and oral test.
As announced by the Department of Education, the selection procedure will end before July 15, 2025, with the aim of the selected people doing internships as civil servants during the 2025-2026 academic year and being definitively appointed as civil servants in September 1, 2026.
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