Toshi (48) of the comedy duo “Taka and Toshi” appeared as MC at the football festival “FOOTBALL PARK SHIBUYA” held at Yoyogi Park in Tokyo on the 23rd.
Guests included former J-League players and futsal F-League players, and serious competition took place in open and age-based divisions, including “3×3 Football,” a three-person competition, and “Freestyle Football,” a competitive competition for lifting techniques. . This is a follow-up to last year’s event, which was well-received, and has been scaled up by including new regional qualifying rounds. Blessed with the location and good weather, it became a big event with around 23,000 people in attendance.
Toshi, who is also the initiator of the event, also put effort into PR by making radio appearances beforehand. “I couldn’t be happier that so many people came together.The scale is getting bigger little by little.I’m grateful that the guests who said they had fun last year were willing to come this year as well.”
Toshi herself is raising three children, and her eldest and second sons participated in the 3×3 competition. As he said, “I wish I could use both the comedian’s face and the father’s face,” in between taking the stage and commenting on games, he watched his sons’ brave performances from the back of the gallery with a calm expression on his face.
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