Dear OTC members,
to record and process the “Entertainment costs” In order to simplify and make it more transparent in the future, the existing system should be integrated into our eTennis platform.
This change should take place in two stages:
- In October nothing will change for the members, the consumption positions will be determined by the members as before “Hospitality book” registered. These positions are then transferred to the new one “Kiosksystem” registered on our eTennis platform (Heike Streitbürger / Robert Krenz).
What is new here is that these entries Item related and Member-related be recorded (so far: price and family related). A current item and price list OTC-Kiosk_Article list.pdf is on the OTC homepage at Downloads filed.
In order to be able to distinguish between members with the same last name, we ask you to use this in the future First and last names to be entered in the hospitality book (First name may be abbreviated).After the end of October, the invoice is created and the entertainment costs for this month are collected via eTennis. Each individual member receives the invoice as an email to the email address provided. The collection takes place via the stored SEPA data.
(Note: the purchase date of the items shown on the invoice is always the entry date in eTennis and not the entry date in the hospitality book.) - If the first month of testing is successfully completed, the kiosk system can be converted so that OTC members Record and purchase items yourself can, but don’t have to.
Here we let the online entry and the entry via the hospitality book run in parallel, which means that both will be possible. For members who do not want to use the online registration, everything remains the same (registration using the guest book). Anyone who would like to use online registration will then be able to purchase their items via the eTennis platform.
But there will be a detailed description of this in another newsletter and as help on the homepage.
The switch to the new kiosk system is a further step in the digitalization of OTC administration. This is intended to simplify many work and administrative processes and make them more transparent. The previous accounting of entertainment costs worked, but involved a considerable amount of work. This is intended to be improved by the new system. We therefore ask for your understanding and help with this modernization measure.
Furthermore, our billing of entertainment costs is based on the principle of trust, with which we have had good experiences in the past.
With sporty greetings
Robert Krenz
Administrator OTC member management and eTennis platform