MLB commissioner reveals interest in adding “Golden Turn-Bat” rule

MLB commissioner reveals interest in adding “Golden Turn-Bat” rule

The Major Baseball League is getting ready for a new season where, according to the commissioner Rob Manfredthey consider adding a new rule to allow a team to use its best hitter at any time regardless of batting order.

This new rule called “Golden At-Bat” o “Golden Turn-Bat” It’s been discussed throughout the league. looking ahead to next season. This in search of adding a new twist to the league and seeking more runs scored during the season.

“There are a variety of ideas [para cambiar las reglas] what is being talked about. One of them, which caused a bit of a stir at an owners meeting, was the idea of ​​a ‘Golden Turn-Bat’. That rule and things like that They are in the conversation-only stage. right now,” Manfred said on The Varsity podcast.

This rule would allow MLB teams choose a predetermined batsman at a key moment in the match. Although the rule seems striking for the league, different restrictions are still being discussed, as well as its inclusion or non-inclusion.

Reveals thinking of a new rule

It should be noted that the Major Leagues have already revealed that they will experiment with robot referees during spring training in 13 stadiums hosting 19 teams, which could lead to use in the 2026 regular season.

It remains to be seen if, in the following weeks, the commissioner and the owners of the League give the green light to use the ‘Golden At-Bat’ rule.

They could put in their best hitter at any time.

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