Judo theory 2 year – didactic concept, Dupin x Joshua 1993: interested didactics together

notion didactic, Dolphin x Joshua 1993: the didactic sinteresse a lens ensemble of the process

teaching in situation.

THE process When on parle school on 3 elements : students, objet of know (on try of faire

learn of the things), teacher

When on East prof, il must always with ask quoi teach = process 1

process 2 Who connects the student au know : comment the student learn ?

Process 3 : the role of l’interaction between prof et pupil (triangle between THE 3 In a bulls eps et plus

grande bulls education national)

On va with focus on THE 2 premier process (quoi teach et comment the student learn?)

History : and sport of combat in Asia on it art martial, specific of asia of sud East

-> martial returns au military, SO art of the guerre

In europe it was religion judeo Christian Who it what ce Who spiritual East noble et ce Who East bodily East

less. On rented of the bandits pour the guerre.*

In extreme orient, on a the monime the corps et the mind it is font that one

The guerre with do par a caste of warriors, THE samurai. THE lords ont and name petit of samurai

pour faire the guerre. Ils train has art of the guerre, efeffectiveness et of aesthetics et and sens of honor

very brand.

YEAH JITSU Yes= flexibility, JITSU= offrontement 1V1

-> corps has corps, coups, torsion, armed

It is as That until the fin of AVERAGE age of the extreme orient, Who arrive plus late what the one Western

The one of of Japan arrive in 1869 with Edu

THE wars evolves SO THE samurai it is are plus useful SO THE noble are going find that he y a bcp of

value In the YEAH JITSU SO THE samurai are going learn it of the boy of the bourgeoisie et of the nobles

first 1895 = first demonstration of judo has paris

creation of several belt pour retain THE lycencier until the noir Who East and outcome.

Judo arrived in 64 au JO more earn par and Dutch pcq il did 130kg

1977 7 categories Who ont summer reworked Since

ippon projected with force vitesse et amplitude son opponent on the of the

Wdon’t ari (he came ari + yuko) 2 and then ari vale 1 hippon

1917 revo Russian et establishment of the ussr, certain pays ont of fort tradition of struggle, ils ont pour will

to unify THE regulations of struggle et former of the military = sambo

Au moment of the guerre cold, THE rivalry of the 2 blocs with are a lot shown in sport notably au

JO, THE sambiste with are integrated au judo.

1989 the USSR explodes SO on THE find a lot plus In THE tableaux of the tournaments of judo.

Two shapes of judo = art martial et sporty

THE students it is are not necessarily volunteers pour faire of sport of gripping SO ils don’t have not

necessarily the corps adapted au sport. Take in account the public that we a pour THE measures of security.

Favored and judogi pour teaching = favors the movement , the flexibility et technique

seizure enveloping = force, static, seizure enveloping



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