It’s one of the nice clashes of the week between two division rivals, and it’s apparently where the podcast team sees the most suspense: the Eagles travel to the Commanders. While Philadelphia has a series of 10 victories, three of our columnists see a victory for Jayden Daniels and his team! This will also be followed on M6+ with the TDActu teams on commentary.
Please note, this week, the festivities include two games on Saturday: the beautiful Chiefs – Texans and Ravens – Steelers posters.
On Sunday, the Broncos and Chargers will share one of the most uncertain posters.
In the ranking, Raphaël Masmejean (71.4%) is ahead of Raoul Villeroy (70.5%), Alain Mattei (69.6%), Victor Roullier (67.4%), Gregory Richard (67.0%), Nithinya Simuong (67.0%), Lucas Vola (63.8%) and Jean-Michel Bougeard (60.3%).