Korean Badminton Association Postpones Presidential Election Amidst Legal Dispute
The Korean Badminton Association (KBA) announced the postponement of its upcoming presidential election, originally scheduled for October 16th at the Sunshine Hotel in Daejeon. the decision comes after a court ruling raised concerns about the eligibility of incumbent president Kim Taek-gyu.
While the new election date remains undecided, the KBA cited the need too address the legal complexities surrounding the candidacy of Kim Taek-gyu.
The Seoul Eastern District Court’s Civil Division 21, presided over by chief Judge Kim Jung-min, issued a partial injunction on October 15th. This injunction temporarily suspends the KBA’s decision to disqualify Kim Taek-gyu from the election. The court found notable procedural flaws in the Election Management Committee’s decision to bar Kim’s candidacy.
Kim Taek-gyu, who was elected as the 31st president of the KBA in January 2021, was seeking re-election. However, the Election Management Committee, citing election regulations, had previously declared him ineligible to run. This decision sparked a legal battle, culminating in the court’s recent intervention.
The postponement of the election throws the future leadership of the KBA into uncertainty. The association will now need to carefully navigate the legal challenges and ensure a fair and transparent election process.공고한다”고 밝혔다. 김 회장은 이튿날인 9일 서울동부지법에 회장 선거 후보자 등록 무효 효력 정지 가처분 신청을 냈고, 이날 법원이 일부 인용 결정을 내렸다.
배드민턴협회는 일정을 연기하게 된 사유로 “협회 선거운영위원회는 7명으로 구성하여 운영되었으나, 규정에 의거 자격이 없는 위원들이 일부 참여하여 제1차~제3차 회의에서 심의 및 의사결정에 참여한 사실이 확인됐다”고 밝혔다.
이어 “김택규 후보자 측에서 제기한 후보자 등록 무효 결정 효력정지 등 가처분 신청서 심의 결과, 법원은 선거운영위원회의 의사결정에 중대한 하자가 있다고 판단했으며, 이에 기존 의사 결정이 무효가 될 가능성이 크다”면서 “선거운영위원회 결원을 재구성하여 공정하게 회의를 개최하고 재심의할 필요가 제기되었으나, 제92차 이사회에서 추천된 위원 후보자에 대한 충원이 불가하여 선거일 이전 각종 안건에 대한 재심의가 불가능한 상황”이라고 설명했다.
협회는 “법률 자문을 받은 결과 결격사유가 있는 선거위원이 포함된 선거관리운영위원회의 제반절차는 무효가 될 가능성이 매우 높아 회장 선거 일정을 잠정 연기하기로 했다. 향후 선거운영위원회를 재구성하고, 기존 심의 안건을 자격을 갖춘 위원회에서 재심의할 예정”이라고 덧붙였다.
조은혜 기자 [email protected]
Google Analytics used to show the keywords people used to find a website. However,starting in 2011,Google began encrypting search queries to protect user privacy.This meant that website owners could no longer see the specific keywords used in Google searches that led to their site.Instead, they saw “(not provided)” in their Google Analytics reports. [2]
This change considerably impacted digital marketers who relied on keyword data to understand user behavior and optimise their content. [3] While Google’s decision was driven by privacy concerns, it presented a challenge for those seeking to understand their website traffic sources.
Even though Google analytics no longer shows specific keywords for most searches, some strategies have been developed to try and recover some of this lost data, as discussed in [1].