대한배드민턴협회, 국제대회 출전 제한 규정 폐지 등 16건 개선
Korean Badminton Association Faces Scrutiny: Reforms and Ongoing investigations The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) has announced a series of actions taken in response to the findings of an inquiry into the Korea Badminton Association (KBA).These actions include the removal of restrictions on international competition participation and the initiation of legal proceedings related […]
‘덕다운 아닌 콕다운’… 중국산 ‘가짜 패딩’ 주의보
The Rise of Counterfeit Down: Badminton Shuttlecocks Fuel a Deceptive Fashion Trend The soaring cost of goose and duck down, essential fillings for warm winter wear, has led too a surprising trend in China. Manufacturers are resorting to unconventional materials to mimic the luxurious feel of down, with badminton shuttlecocks emerging as an unexpected source. […]