Coup of authority from Uni, which maintains cruising speed and beats Gran Canaria (79-60)

Coup of authority from Uni, which maintains cruising speed and beats Gran Canaria (79-60)

Un tercer quart excepcional (24-11 i 6 triples) han permès que l’Spar Girona continuï comptant els partits per victòries, després de despatxar amb claredat el Gran Canaria a Fontajau (79-60) en un partit igualat d’entrada, però que ha acabat tenint un únic dominador. L’Uni més tossut s’ha tornat a rebel·lar contra tot i tothom. Només […]

Padel: why the connections between Flanders and Wallonia are complicated

Padel: why the connections between Flanders and Wallonia are complicated

Gijs Kooken, Belgium is among the best nations in padel when there was nothing or almost nothing five years ago. How do you explain it? “We have competitions of a good level thanks to the Belgian Padel Tour and, in Flanders, to the Masters. The best meet quite regularly in these tournaments. In addition, the […]