An important goal for Kuld in Germany; Punnenov loses his ninth game in a row in Switzerland
The Krefeld team beat Düsseldorf EG by a 4: 3 (1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 0, 1: 0) overtime. The goal was scored one minute and 47 seconds before the end of regular time, when a 3: 3 equalization was achieved. He played 28 minutes and 24 seconds on Tuesday, during which he scored four […]
Shilov’s victory and the honor of the first “star” in the AHL match; Punnenov’s failure in Switzerland
The 20-year-old Latvian goalkeeper repelled 22 of the 23 home throws, as well as dealt with all three post-game throws, being recognized as the first “star” of the game. The Latvian goalkeeper has saved the goals of the AHL unit this season in nine games, in which he scored an average of 2.78 goals and […]
Goalkeeper Voris, who once played for Dinamo, leaves the Ukrainian club “Donbass”
Voris joined the Ukrainian team last June, signing a one-season deal. The Latvian goalkeeper in the Ukrainian Super League “Donabass” defended the goal in two matches, in which four discs were conceded on average, repelling 80% of the opponents’ throws, but in the Ukrainian championship he played seven games, conceding on average 1.76 goals and […]
Ruby wins AHL match –
Rubin made two throws during the opponent’s goal, earned two penalty minutes and ended the game with a negative efficiency of -1. In another match without Latvia, the striker Eduards Tralmaks defeated the Islanders with 6: 3 (0: 1, 5: 0, 1: 2) in their application. Rubin has played in the AHL Championship in the […]
Norwegian star Marte Ulsbü-Reiselanna overtakes her sisters Eberja; Bendika does not start
Sweden’s Elvir Eberja, who won the sprint on Wednesday, was the first to start the chase, but Ulsbu-Reiselanna started 22 seconds later. In the first line of fire, Eberja made a mistake once, but Reiselanna shot flawlessly and the athletes only split for two seconds. In the next shoot, Reiselanna closed all the targets again […]
Figures of the possible transfer of Emerson Rodríguez to Inter Miami, MLS, United States | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League
The news surprised everyone:
Figure skater Dennis Vasilyev wins a historic medal at the European Championships
On Friday in the selection or long program, Vasiljevs won the third place in the competition of 24 participants. Dennis Vasilyev wins a historic medal at the European Championships +16 Watch more He received a total of 181.84 points, which allowed him to improve his personal record by 16.23 points. Daugavpils received 93.12 points for […]
Real Madrid and Bilbao Athletic to meet in Spanish Super Cup final
Athletic won 2: 1 (0: 0). In the 62nd minute, Unai Simons sent the ball into his goal, allowing the capital’s club to take the lead with 1: 0. The cup keepers played after the corner kick in the 77th minute. After Ikera Muniaina’s corner kick, the ball reached Jeray Alvares, who jumped the highest […]
Gudlevsky makes his debut at the Swedish Hockey Championship
Braunschweig’s basketball players rave about the newcomer Arturs Zagars
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