44e Editie van de Playbackshow in Almen
Almen Gears Up for the 44th Annual Playback Show get ready for a night of entertainment and talent as Almen prepares to host the 44th edition of its renowned playback show on Saturday, January 4th, 2025. This beloved event, organized by the keen young members of Soos ’t Keldertje, promises an unforgettable experience for all. […]
Geslaagde eindejaars Oliebollen-Badminton-Toernooi bij BC Lochem
LOCHEM – Badminton Club Lochem’s annual end-of-year tournament was a resounding success,drawing an remarkable 54 participants who showcased their skills on the court. Teams of three to four players were strategically formed, intentionally mixing skill levels to foster a fun and competitive atmosphere brimming with excitement. Beyond the intense badminton matches, […]
Sportief het jaar afsluiten bij het Oliebollentoernooi van BC Lochem
smash your Way into the New Year at the Lochem Badminton Oliebollentoernooi! Looking to shed those holiday pounds and end the year on a high note? Join the Badminton Club Lochem for a fun-filled Oliebollentoernooi on Saturday, December 30th at Sporthal De Beemd. Prepare for a day packed with exciting matches,festive cheer,and plenty of wintery […]