Borussia Dortmund: Haaland apparently gives Manchester City the contract

Borussia Dortmund: Haaland apparently gives Manchester City the contract

Soccer Borussia Dortmund Haaland apparently gives the contract to Manchester City Stand: 12.03.2022 | Reading time: 3 minutes Whoever gets it secures an elemental force in the storm: Haaland scored 80 goals (21 assists) in 79 games for BVB Source: pa / augenklick / Ralf Ibing / firo Spor / firo Sportphoto / Ralf ibing […]

Erling Haaland’s new club is set

Erling Haaland’s new club is set

He is still one of the most sought-after players in the world and will probably leave BVB in the summer. An English medium is now reporting that the club to which Erling Haaland is to switch is already fixed. But not Real Madrid? As the British newspaper “Daily Mail” reports, the new club of BVB […]