Online Dispute Resolution: EU Platform
## Resolving consumer Disputes Online In line with EU Regulation 524/2013, we prioritize amicable online resolutions for consumer disputes whenever possible. To facilitate this process, we encourage consumers to utilize the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. this platform offers a convenient and accessible avenue for resolving disagreements between consumers and businesses operating within […]
GIRONA FC | Míchel: “We have the squad to be in Europe but, right now, we don’t have the team to be there”
El Girona ha tingut cinc dies per pair el disgust i l’empipamenta de la desfeta a Palma i, alhora, per treballar al camp d’entrenament què s’ha de corregir. Míchel ha explicat aquest matí que el partit el va deixar “preocupat” i que cal “canviar coses” per poder donar “la millor versió”. El tècnic s’assenyala ell […]