“The priority objective is to recover self-esteem”

“The priority objective is to recover self-esteem”

El nou tècnic del Bàsquet Girona, Moncho Fernández, ha assegurat aquest dijous que els seus jugadors han de ser “de l’NBA, els millors, fantàstics, superlatius, els campions” en tot allò que “no té a veure amb el talent”, i ha remarcat que vol veure “esforç, lluita, sacrifici i compromís”. En la roda de premsa prèvia […]

Gabriel Fernández Out for Season with Myopericarditis

Gabriel Fernández Out for Season with Myopericarditis

Ravachol‌ Pontevedra is facing a challenging end to their season as key player Gabriel Fernández has been sidelined due ⁣to myopericarditis. Hospitalized sence last Sunday, Fernández’s absence adds to a growing list of injuries plaguing teh team. This unfortunate situation comes at ​a‍ critical juncture,‍ wiht Ravachol Pontevedra set to play their ⁣final two league […]