German handball team: Unpredictable – even for their own coach
WITHTogether with a Danish sponsor who sells pumps and is committed to treating drinking water in Malawi, the European Handball Federation presents the “Player of the Match” after each game of the continental title fights. With great regularity, the best professionals line up next to a small trophy and an oversized poster. A nice ritual, […]
Five new cases: Corona shock in German handball players
Handball Five new cases Corona shock in German handball players Status: 9:18 p.m | Reading time: 2 minutes The corona virus is afflicting the German handball players. Goalkeeper Andreas Wolff is also among the infected players Source: dpa / Marijan Murat The German handball team is shaken by a corona outbreak before the last European […]
Poland’s victory: Germany reaches the main round of the European Handball Championship early
Sport By Poland‘s victory Germany reaches the main round of the handball championship early Status: 10:20 p.m| Reading time: 2 minutes
European Handball Championship: Gislason’s tactical trick fizzles out – “You’re always smarter afterwards”
Sport Handball-EM Gislason’s tactical trick fizzles out – “You’re always smarter in hindsight” Status: 9:35 p.m| Reading time: 3 minutes
Handball: National team captain Golla – “I hope that everyone accepts private losses”
luel eluenleu Puluue-Blhleuhnua nup pelue Butte etp Uelel eluel eeku Zuuele etleu Iueklel. VBUI: Fell 6utte, Pttlep 6lptepuu peal epel Ple, Ple peleu „eluel pel veulaeu Geolloue lu Oeluel 29-lokllaeu Gelllele, pel Olek leaetOoQla eulntl nup epel IkeOeu lepel“. Vep pepoleekeu Ple peuu lOOelen Oll peO Pnupeplleluel? Iukeuuep 6utte: Bep kel el aepeal? VBUI: Ie. […]