Lower grade students who lack concentration… How do you give tips on how to throw? “Shoulder motion” increases ball speed and control | Full-Count

Lower grade students who lack concentration… How do you give tips on how to throw? “Shoulder motion” increases ball speed and control | Full-Count

Almost everyone has “pitching experience”… Sendai City Shichigo Youth Baseball Club’s pitching instruction is “in short words” Shichigo Youth Baseball Club, a youth baseball team in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, has a history of 53 years, and currently has 51 members, nearly three times as many members as it did two years ago. Of these, […]

Achievements in baseball: Even with almost a perfect score on the report, he still “failed” “Interview preparation” at a difficult high school | Full-Count

Achievements in baseball: Even with almost a perfect score on the report, he still “failed” “Interview preparation” at a difficult high school | Full-Count

Keio High School played in Koshien twice in spring and summer…Yuji Suzuki‘s entrance exam preparation “The output in junior high school was effective” Of course, in order to get into the baseball team of a prestigious high school, you don’t just have to play baseball. Long-term preparation is required, including academic scores, interviews, and essay […]

What is the “ideal rotation” that suppresses the opening of the body when hitting? Former Osaka Toin captain rejects “center of gravity position” | Full-Count

What is the “ideal rotation” that suppresses the opening of the body when hitting? Former Osaka Toin captain rejects “center of gravity position” | Full-Count

Minoru Hirohata, also known as “Minorman,” teaches you how to solve the “body opening” that is the biggest problem when teaching. When coaches and parents teach <a href="https://www.archysport.com/2022/01/the-baseball-players-from-fussen-are-finding-what-they-are-looking-for-overseas-news-from-fussen/” title=”The baseball players from Füssen are finding what they are looking for overseas – news from Füssen”>batting to young baseball players, the most difficult point is the […]

Kawasaki City’s attempt to prevent “outflow” of athletes by solving the problem of “not getting the ground” | Full-Count

Kawasaki City’s attempt to prevent “outflow” of athletes by solving the problem of “not getting the ground” | Full-Count

The stadium used by Nippon-Ham will be renovated and managed and operated by the Kawasaki Baseball Council. The keyword is “semi-public and semi-private”. The activities of the private organization “Kawasaki Baseball Council” in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, provide hints for solving the problems of youth baseball teams in the metropolitan area and the serious decline […]