“Our intention is to bring Eric Garcia”

“Our intention is to bring Eric Garcia”

Deia Míchel recentment que no es considerava «ni optimista ni pessimista» respecte ‌a la possible arribada d’Eric Garcia aquest gener, ja que «és⁤ jugador del Barcelona i no sé què passarà».El tècnic va evitar pronunciar-se sobre el mercat d’hivern, una qüestió ‍que, en canvi, va abordar sense⁣ reserves Quique Cárcel. ‍Com a director esportiu, aquest […]

They ask for four years in prison for the former player Cosme Prenafeta for sexual abuse

Cosme Prenafeta, at his farewell as a Unicaja Voley player in 2005. / M. MANZANO Volleyball The now coach was denounced by two 18-year-old players for events that allegedly occurred at the former international’s home in December 2020 The Almería Prosecutor’s Office has requested sentences totaling four years in prison for the former player of […]