The Spanish government maintains the bank tax, but Junts drops the energy tax

The Spanish government maintains the bank tax, but Junts drops the energy tax

MadridThe Spanish government has managed to unblock an agreement to maintain the extraordinary tax on banking, as well as push forward a series of fiscal adjustments, but will have to look for an alternative plan to maintain the tax that affects the energy sector. This is the result after the negotiation against the clock between […]

Uni already has the inner piece he needed

Uni already has the inner piece he needed

Òbviament, ahir contra el Yerevan Foxes no es va notar, però la no arribada de Natasha Mack i la lesió de Carolina Guerrero havien deixat l’Uni coixa en el joc interior. Roberto Íñiguez feia setmanes que ho manifestava indirectament elogiant l’esforç de les seves jugadores per contrarestar les mancances en aquesta posició. Finalment, avui l’Spar […]

the final offer of Work to employers to reduce the working day

the final offer of Work to employers to reduce the working day

BarcelonaAfter thirteen meetings in ten months of negotiations, the Spanish government wants the employer to answer clearly with a yes or a no to its latest proposal on the reduction of the working day to 37.5 hours per week next year, with respect to the current 40 The ministry will give direct aid of up […]

Uni leads with an iron fist in the Eurocup (96-35)

Uni leads with an iron fist in the Eurocup (96-35)

Va comentar Roberto Íñiguez que «això és un treball d’equip el mateix que el bàsquet és un esport d’equip» després de saber que ha estat designat Millor Entrenador d’Octubre-Trofeu AEEB de la Lliga Femenina Endesa. I això és el que va fer l’Spar Girona, imposant-se com a equip al Yerevan Foxes (96-35) en la quarta […]

Spain is also looking to make a place for itself in India

Spain is also looking to make a place for itself in India

MadridAlthough some voices point out that India‘s economic boom is a “myth”, due to the increase in inequalities, in the words of the Indian economist Ashoka Mody, in the West it is not overlooked that the country has has become the world’s fifth largest economic power and that the agenda of the Indian Prime Minister, […]

L’Escala wins the derby against Peralada (2-0) and wins again a month later

L’Escala wins the derby against Peralada (2-0) and wins again a month later

Dos gols gairebé consecutius han permès L’Escala enfilar-se a la classificació del grup català de Tercera RFEF amb una treballada victòria en el derbi empordanès que l’ha enfrontat al Municipal contra el Peralada, que només havia encaixat una derrota aquesta temporada. Els de Raúl Paje tornen a assaborir el triomf després d’un mes, ja que […]

The pride of Barça that Real Madrid will never be able to have

The pride of Barça that Real Madrid will never be able to have

Special Envoy in MadridI will begin these lines with a confession that the reader must be clear in order to decide if he wants to accompany me on this journey into the bowels of temper of evilotherwise called Santiago Bernabéu, or prefers to leave before starting. This text is written by someone who works as […]

The victory against Slovan leaves Girona well alive in the fight for the “play-off”

The victory against Slovan leaves Girona well alive in the fight for the “play-off”

L’endemà que es completés la tercera jornada de la Lliga de Campions, el focus a l’entorn blanc-i-vermell va estar situat a la polèmica pel preu de les entrades del partit contra el Liverpool. Tanmateix, esportivament parlant, la victòria contra l’Slovan de Bratislava de dimarts (2-0) ha reactivat d’allò més les opcions, i esperances, del Girona […]