Football World Cup 2006: Former Officials Compensated in Summer Fairy Tale Affair

Football World Cup 2006: Former Officials Compensated in Summer Fairy Tale Affair

The Swiss judicial system has ruled that four ex-football administrators are entitled to compensation following the termination of the legal case⁤ known as ⁢the “summer ⁢fairy tale affair.” The⁢ individuals involved include⁢ former⁤ German Football Association (DFB) executives Theo⁣ Zwanziger, Horst R. Schmidt, and Wolfgang Niersbach, along with Urs ⁣Linsi, the ex-Secretary General of Fifa. […]

Football: DFL fails with complaint against police fees

Football: DFL fails with complaint against police fees

Football League Loses Battle Over Police ‌Costs‍ for high-Risk Matches The German Football League (DFL)​ has suffered a setback in its legal battle against sharing the costs of ⁢increased⁢ police presence⁤ at high-risk football matches. The Federal ‍Constitutional Court rejected the DFLS appeal against ⁣a⁤ Bremen regulation requiring organizers of professional football games to contribute […]