Peralada recovers sensations and wins against Hospitalet

Peralada recovers sensations and wins against Hospitalet

Aquest Peralada és el que vol veure l’afició xampanyera. Després de la derrota al derbi alt-empordanès de la darrera jornada, el conjunt d’Àlex Marsal ha vençut a l’Hospitalet per dos gols a zero en un partit molt parell, però que han merescut emportar-se els locals. Poca cosa ha passat en una primera meitat on els […]

Peralada wins against Badalona at home (2-1)

Peralada wins against Badalona at home (2-1)

Ha tardat, però ha arribat. El Peralada suma els seus primers tres punts com a local. Una victòria que dona aire als xampanyers i els situa en vuitena posició. Un gol al minut nou de partit firmat per Mario Gonzalez ha posat en alerta al Peralada, que ha sortit adormit al terreny de joc i […]

Peralada wins and stays in the fight

Peralada wins and stays in the fight

The two captains and the referees before the start of the match CF Peralada Peralada added an important victory this afternoon against Granollers (1-0) to stay in the fight in the leading group of the classification. Now, Héctor Simón‘s men are sixth and have 37 points, four less than their leader, Olot. Only one goal […]

A Peralada with losses did not go beyond the draw against San Cristóbal at home

Peralada continues to resist that victory that would allow him to rejoin the leading positions in the standings. With yesterday’s draw (1-1) against San Cristóbal in a duel where Casanova tied the score and Josu was sent off with a direct red card with ten minutes to go, Héctor Simón’s men have four games without […]