the sports psychology expert tells us how he has achieved success through good psychological work

the sports psychology expert tells us how he has achieved success through good psychological work

Fa gairebé una setmana que el tenista Rafa Nadal va decidir anunciar la seva retirada als 38 anys. El jove mallorquí després de convertir-se en una llegenda de l’esport espanyol penjarà la seva raqueta després de la final de la <a href="” title=”The story of overcoming Sebastián Báez, the new jewel of Argentine tennis with […]

“Anything can happen because the psychological factor plays a lot”

“Anything can happen because the psychological factor plays a lot”

Laso believes that at Labrit they will have more options to put pressure on Irribarria and Rezusta, “who are going to try to keep Imaz on the rebound” After overcoming the uncomfortable play-off in a different way, Laso and Imaz, the only Baiko combination that is still alive in the Pairs, and Irribarria and Rezusta […]