The path marked until 2025

The path marked until 2025

La Reial Societat disputa aquest vespre el seu partit de primera ronda de la Copa al camp del Jove Espanyol alacantí en un dels cinc partits ajornats fa quinze dies per culpa dels efectes de la DANA a les comarques valencianes. Després que Ejea, Ceuta i Pontevedra segellessin el bitllet, per dimarts que ve quedaran […]

Linda Caicedo shines with another goal in the Champions League

Linda Caicedo shines with another goal in the Champions League

Real Madrid beats Twente 2-3 Linda Caicedo continues to demonstrate her quality in European football. The talented Colombian scored her third consecutive goal in the UEFA Champions League, being a key piece in Real Madrid Femenino’s 2-3 victory over Twente of the Netherlands. The match, played at the Twente stadium, began with an initial dominance […]

celebration of the Euro Cup, Sevilla fans and Luis Milla national idol

celebration of the Euro Cup, Sevilla fans and Luis Milla national idol

Ambon está a 22 horas y 50 minutos de Madrid. En línea recta, 13.710 kilómetros separan a esta ciudad de España. Pero en la pasada Eurocopa estuvieron muy cerca. Tanto, que gran parte de los 330.000 habitantes de esta isla de Indonesia se echaron a la calle con banderas y camisetas para celebrar el triunfo […]

The visit to the Mallorca field already has a date

The visit to the Mallorca field already has a date

La Lliga ha fet oficials aquest matí els horaris corresponents a la dissetena jornada en què el Girona visitarà el Mallorca. El partit ha quedat fixat pel dissabte 14 de desembre a 1/4 de 5 de la tarda. La visita a Palma arribarà després del partit contra el Liverpool a Montilivi del dimarts 10 en […]

What is the broadcast schedule for the Japan National Soccer World Cup qualifying round? TV broadcast/distribution schedule/start time/schedule list

What is the broadcast schedule for the Japan National Soccer World Cup qualifying round? TV broadcast/distribution schedule/start time/schedule list

The TV broadcast schedule, broadcast distribution schedule, kickoff time, match schedule, etc. of the Japan national soccer team are as follows. The time is Japan time. Japan National Team World Cup qualifying away match will be broadcast exclusively on DAZN! If you want to watch it for 1270 yen cheaper than usualDMM×DAZN Hodai[PR] FIFA World […]