The election for the president of the Badminton Association, which suffered a setback, was held on the 23rd… Chairman Kim Taek-gyu runs for office no. 4

The election for the president of the Badminton Association, which suffered a setback, was held on the 23rd… Chairman Kim Taek-gyu runs for office no. 4

The Badminton Association inside the olympic Hall in Songpa-gu, seoul.‌ 2024.8.16/News1⁤ ⓒ News1 Reporter Seongjin Kim (Seoul = News 1) Reporter Daehyun Moon ‍= The Korea Badminton Association, after facing a temporary delay, has rescheduled its presidential election for‌ the 23rd of this month. On the​ 19th, the Election Steering Commitee convened its fourth meeting […]