ROYAL COUNCIL OVIEDO | Pachuca triumphs in the General Meeting of Shareholders and endorses the sports city: “La Manjoya is not as big as we would like, but it is powerful”

ROYAL COUNCIL OVIEDO | Pachuca triumphs in the General Meeting of Shareholders and endorses the sports city: “La Manjoya is not as big as we would like, but it is powerful”

“El proyecto de La Manjoya no es todo lo grande que querríamos, pero nos da una ciudad deportiva potente y muy digna. Son siete hectáreas y tiene posibilidades a ser ampliada”. Son palabras de Martín Peláez, presidente azul, durante la celebración de la Junta de Accionistas del Real Oviedo sobre la nueva ciudad deportiva carbayona. […]

Name falls in love and Washington Football Team should not be changed

Name falls in love and Washington Football Team should not be changed

The Washington Football Team is expected to remain with the temporary name next season. That’s what the president of the franchise, Jason Wright, told the ABC network, from the capital of the United States. In July, Washington decided not to continue the team’s old name, a pejorative term in relation to American Indians, and in […]