SPAR GIRONA | Uni shows boundless ambition against Jairis (89-70)

SPAR GIRONA | Uni shows boundless ambition against Jairis (89-70)

L’Spar Girona s’ha posat un deu aquesta tarda en el partit contra el Jairis que havia quedat ajornat dijous. Les gironines segueixen invictes aquesta temporada i acrediten 6 triomfs seguits a la lliga i 4 més a l’Eurocup. Continua l’Uni sent un equip maco de veure, amb un bàsquet divertit i, a la vegada, eficient. […]

The IMF shows optimism for Spain and remains cautious about the world economy

The IMF shows optimism for Spain and remains cautious about the world economy

BarcelonaThe International Monetary Fund has shown optimism about the Spanish economy, despite the caution when analyzing the evolution of the world economy as a whole. The body presided over by Kristalina Georgieva presented this Tuesday its report on economic prospects, which places Spain as the advanced country with greater growth, even above the United States. […]

France refuses to sacrifice the ultras’ show for safe football stadiums

France refuses to sacrifice the ultras’ show for safe football stadiums

Es 27 de septiembre de 2024, y el FC Lorient recibe en casa al AC Ajaccio para jugar un partido amistoso. Un encuentro considerado de riesgo por la rivalidad y la presencia de un importante grupo de ultras. Pero, a pesar de las medidas de seguridad, la situación degenera y acaba en violentos enfrentamientos callejeros. […]

NFL. Super Bowl LVI halftime show trailer released

Editorial Mediotiempo Mexico City / 20.01.2022 10:01:58 The NFL gave a preview of what will be experienced in the Super Bowl LVI halftime shownext February 13. And this Thursday trailer revealed which is starring authentic music legends such as:

Usury and extortion, two arrests of the Carabinieri in Agropoli and Orria

They are a 52-year-old entrepreneur and a 39-year-old from Orria, who in the specific case between 2017 and 2018 were responsible for serious criminal episodesThe two people arrested this morning by the Carabinieri of the Agropoli and Vallo della Lucania Companies are accused of usury and extortion. They are a 52-year-old businessman from Agropoli and […]