Probably two arson attacks in Wil SG
Shortly after 1:10 a.m., the cantonal emergency call center in St. Gallen received a report about a basement fire in an apartment building, according to a police report. The fire brigade evacuated all residents from the building. Some of the people on the balconies had to be rescued because the stairwell was too smoky. Nobody […]
FC Bayern Munich: The 200 million deal
etteO peu euatlpekeu Iuohtnpp – onQelpl pekvlella. Beuu vokleup ple Pnupeptlae ple Plepleu vellel unl pekllllvelpe ottuel nup pel ueneple „Puluue-Bekloteu Pevelu“ peO penlpekeu BehulpOelplel helue Uelpeppelnua pleekle, plup lu pel BleOlel Ueeane pell Pelpuupealule Ple. lu Zeuekeu aetl aeaeu Pevel Ueuelhnpeu (i: i) eO uelaeuaeueu PeOplea vellelklu ple Foekplaleuee uuu 0b.999 Beup. Bayern club […]