Girona Basketball Slips Back into Relegation Zone After Granada Win
El Girona es troba en una situació complicada després de la victòria del Granada sobre el Casademont Saragossa. Un començament de temporada decebedor havia deixat l’afició amb inquietuds, però una ratxa de tres triomfs consecutius, incloent una victòria memorable contra el Barça a fontajau, semblava donar un gir positiu. Tanmateix,aquesta tendència es va truncar […]
A high bar for the state of grace of Basketball Girona
Segons les declaracions de Moncho Fernández, el Bàsquet Girona hauria de començar a plantejar-se la construcció d’un museu per exhibir tots els trofeus que acumuli al llarg de la seva trajectòria, fins ara marcada per ascensos i alguna Lliga Catalana en categories inferiors. «Per al nostre equip, cada victòria a l’ACB és com un títol», […]
Warning to the Youth before the Cup (58-74)
BadalonaFive days before facing again in the quarterfinals of the Copa del Rey de Granada, the Youth of Badalona lost to Lenovo Tenerife (58-74). La Penya, who had not played an Endesa League match at the Palau Olímpic for more than a month, was defeated by a rival they had beaten in the first round. […]
Caf-Kaf doesn’t give up! – Basketball Sports News
Defeating Lenovo Tenerife at home in the 2nd match of the FIBA Champions League Play-in stage, Pınar Karşıyaka carried the series to the 3rd match: 88-80. Our representative, who played with the support of the fans, started the game well and increased the lead to 7 points in the first quarter. In the match, which […]
Tenerife 51-74IDK Euskotren: The Queen’s Cup goes through the front door
The IDK Euskotren already has a plan for the weekend of March 24-27. It may seem like a long way off, but in these times of viral darkness, there is nothing better to boost morale than having a different goal that brings a smile to your face. The IDK Euskotren sealed its fifth participation in […]