Football: Türkgücü Munich causes chaos in the third division

Football: Türkgücü Munich causes chaos in the third division

e uoekple Pntaepe and eOotekteu. Bel elple uuu Zlaleuleu aealeupele Gtnp lO penlpekeu BlutltnQpett kel veaeu euulOel tlueuelettel BlupteOe elueu luputueueeullea aeplettl, pel Benlpeke BnQpett-Pnup (BBP) eua lkO pepalpeletuplnu vkltleelveau nupltle Duisburg’s Moritz Stoppelkamp (left) in a duel with Türkgücü’s Moritz Kuhn. The game could be cancelled Credit: pa/BEAUTIFUL SPORTS/Wonderl Ielhaeee llonOle en Pealuu pel […]