Girona will close the year on a Friday in Montilivi
La Lliga ha fet oficials aquest migdia els horaris corresponents a la divuitena jornada de Lliga en què el Girona rebrà el Valladolid a l’estadi. El partit contra els castellans a Montilivi ha quedat fixat pel divendres dia 20 de gener a les nou del vespre (21:00). Serà el darrer partit de l’any per als […]
Joan Laporta takes it and sends an ultimatum to the entertainment stand
BarcelonaBarça’s animation space is hanging by a thread. The club, tired of UEFA, the League and even the Generalitat having opened files for incidents or bad behavior during matches, has decided to put a thread on the needle. At the outset, it demands that the four groups that are part of it pay 21,000 euros, […]